Friday, February 6, 2009

Daddy/Daughter Dance...

Today was the annual Father's/daughter dance at Quail Run Elementary School. This year, Kate had me all to herself. It was a Luau theme, so we dressed up in our Hawaiian shirts and dress with plastic lai's and headed off to boogie down. Well, at least Kate did. I only dance to the slow songs, cause dancing isn't my thing. We got our picture taken and then danced a little, again mostly Kate as I talked with the other Dad's who can't dance, then we headed over to the Dairy Queen for some Blizzards. Its such fun to go to these things, even though I don't/can't dance, but just to see the kids have a good time, it's well worth it.

1 comment:

Laura said...

HA HA HA, Love the shirt. Sam and Kristen are the proud parents of a brand new baby boy!