Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Braydenn!!!

Today is my little buddies 1st Birthday! There was a time when I didn't think he would make it because of his big brother, but he managed. He is one tough little dude! He was sick, just like Daddy, but he managed to eat his popsicles, have a slice of pizza, and then eat some frosting off his Birthday cookie. Braydenn...I love you little guy! Here's too many more birthday's to come!

Monday, January 28, 2008

We Thank Thee O God For A Prophet.....

As I was driving to work this morning(1:45am), thinking about the day ahead of me, and trying not to cough my brains out, for I have been sick for the past couple days and the weather isn't helping, I was listening to talk radio when all of a sudden the voice said: " President Gordon B. Hinckley of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has passed away at the age of 97." I was totally taken aback and I pulled into our parking lot at work and sat there a few minutes trying to take it all in. I went in to work, and I saw one of the in-active members that work with me and told him, and we shared a nice conversation before we started off to work. All morning I was thinking about all the things I remember President Hinckley teaching us and all the talks I have read by him. Along with not feeling good, I was saddened by the fact that we as members of the church will no longer hear him give a talk at conference or read his message in the Ensign. I know he is in a better place now, no more suffering from his health and he is once again re-united with his wonderful wife, but I can't help but miss him already. Other than Joseph Smith and Spencer W. Kimball, both which I have read alot about lately, President Hinckley is the one Prophet I have truly admired for all he has meant to me in my life, and is the one Prophet who got me thinking about and finally returning to church. Thanks for helping me "fix", or better yet getting me back on the straight and narrow path in my life. Hope one day I will be able to shake your hand up in the Celestrial Kingdom, along with my family and OUR Heavenly Father. GOD BLESS YOU, you will be missed but never forgotton.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Happy New Year from the Hartman's! Hope 2008 is a better year for all of our family and friend's. Looking forward to spending more time with you all than we have in the past. See ya soon!!